Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Do A Proper Throw In

Hi guys, I have noticed on how easily we had always lost our poccession of the ball during throw in. It is either due to the fact that we were totally forgot about the rules (we were very tired and didn't care) or due to lack of knowledge about it.

And the rules are...
1. Throw with both hands.
2. Both feet behind the line. ( Stepping on the line is a foul ).
3. Start the throw in with the ball from the back of the head.
4. Release the ball over the head in one continuous movement with both feet still on the ground. ( Do not lift your feet of the ground while doing the throw in i.e. jump )

And to help you with these rules, I've posted the video below to demonstrate it and to share it with all flyboys. Hopefully it'll help to reduce the number of foul throw in our next time. Good luck and "Happy Playing!" Apakan!

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