Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is Sunday's full-time match report against Ahmad FC held at RBA field at 1700hrs.

1st HALF:
1st min:
Kick-off. Flyboys in red and Ahmad FC in white ala Real Madrid. It's 33 degrees and and i've just come back from Perth with Nasrul. All the way from Mount Mulu down to the coast of Brunei, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Haze everywhere. And that's what the Flyboys seem to be experiencing because they weren't sharp at all from kick-off.

3rd min:
Ahmad FC are keeping possession and are passing around like they're on home ground. We should've chosen the other side of the pitch for the 1st half because the sun is in our eyes.

5th min:
This is looking dangerous. One of their players is taking a pot shot on goal. It's not a screamer but with the sun in Hafidz eyes(our goalie), it might as well have been one. GOAL!
FLYBOYS 0 - 1 Ahmad FC

15th min:
Kenny is asking for the ball but we can't seem to pass it to him. Their midfield is overpowering us. Their midfield player looks familiar. He's actually our own team captain Hj Effendy who's on loan for Real Madrid ie Ahmad FC. The pressure is non-stop and this is getting ridiculous. At the heart of defence, Nasrul and Malek are doing their best to hold off the dam from breaking. Zul-Amali and Julian are also working overtime with them on the right and left back position.

A run by Kenny has their defence fooled. Their last man is blocking their keeper's view and Ismael takes a tame right-footed shot to fool the goalie.

Well done Miller. Takes after his uncle, Kenny. Not Lim but Kenny Miller of Glasgow Rangers.
FLYBOYS 1 - 1 Ahmad FC

Ismael Celebrates His Goal

25th min:
Flyboys right midfielder, Nathaniel Panter aka Kitten is injured. He's pulled a muscle and can no longer play. In comes that handsome dashing striker, Amir. Phewittt. You beauty.

28th min:
Allan Bradley is running up the left wing and has found some space. He crosses the ball and it floats to the penalty box. Kenny leaps high but is a yard ahead and misplaces the header.
The ball goes out to Allan again and with that sweet left foot he crosses, Kenny controls the ball but the defender has him covered and kicks it for a corner. Kenny is taken out with him and lays flat on his arse. Oh Kenny Kenny Kenny.

Kenny brought down

33rd min:
Julian hooves the ball to the centre of the pitch and Aziri maks a fantastic run from midfield beating the defence. But the defender is on to him and he tries a cute side foot volley to goal but is well-handled by their keeper.

37th min:
Their midfield and forwards have us on the backfoot as they attack in waves. Aziim and Aziri are doing their best but to no avail. One of their forwards take anothe long-range shot and it floats over our goalie and into the net. GOAL!
FLYBOYS 1 - 2 Ahmad FC.
It's HALF-TIME and Flyboys have been outpassed and outplayed. The players look tired and slow as they head back to the dressing-room(which is really a worn-out bench a few yards from the touch-line).
It's going to be a big ask to get back into the game but we'll see what the coach and manager has to say to them and see if their spirits can be lifted.

45th min:
Real Madrid, no sorry, Ahmad FC are kicking off and they pass towards their keeper. But it's a poor backpass as Flyboy's dashing striker/writer/treasurer (not to mention foul-mouthed and overly passionate) Amir has latched onto the ball. He's one on one with the goalie who takes the form of Hj Effendy(he's everywhere, maybe there are 11 of him on that team) but a defender closes him down and it's enough to put off Amir from hitting a solid shot. A good save by Ahmad FC's keeper. The crowd of 9 including the neighbourhood cat applaud Amir's efforts.

51st min:
Julian, who's now in the right wingback position is flying down the wings ala Ashley Cole. Sofian passes the ball through and young Juju unleashes a screamer of a shot towards goal. Saved by the keeper and is out for a corner.

57th min:
Flyboys are looking sharper and hungrier. Ahmad FC are looking tired and weary as Riduan runs towards goal and unleashes a shot from the left wing. It goes wide but things are looking encouraging for the team.

62nd min:
Hafidz and Aziri are really controlling the middle of the park and looking the real deal. In fact, the whole team looks invigorated. It must've been the half-time drinks. Red Bull kali.
Sofian on the right wing alongside Julian are stretching Ahmad FC's tired defenders whilst Riduan, who came on the 2nd half, is combining well with Ismael.

65th min:
Omagad Who Killed Kenny has come on for Ismael. And what a substitution. He's tearing down the defense with his persistent running. It helps that he's twice the size of the defenders.
Sofian releases Kenny down the right wing and he runs with the ball. He looks up and sees Amir running in the middle of the park and crosses. Amir shoots first-time and the ball curls powerfully towards the top left-hand corner of the goal.
Ooooooh, that's just yards wide. Handsome is that Amir! Must be his new authentic leather boots.

71st min:
One of the few attacks from Ahmad FC in the 2nd half is easily contained by the defence. and Nasrul and Azmi are minding the defence with ex-DPMM FC(College) goalie Irwanizam aka Chomel. But he doesn't look cute today because he's taken up the form of a brick wall in goal. Flyboys don't look like they'll concede any goals in the 2nd half with Irwanizam as goalie.

73rd min:
Sofian makes a solo run towards goal but 3 defenders are closing him down. 5 years ago he would've beaten all 3. Ok lah, maybe 10 years ago but now with 2 kids and another on the way, he's lost a few yards and gained a few pounds.

75th min:
Great pass down the middle from Hafidz to Kenny and at first he looks like he wont be able to control the ball. But no wait, this is King Kenny and he goes past the defender and shoots a low shot to the bottom corner. GOOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The players can't believe it. They all run to Kenny. Ok not all of them but Amir, Sofian and Hafidz are and they celebrate like girls. That is really a bad celebration because the high-fives aren't really connecting but who bloody cares because that is a great effing come-back.
FLYBOYS 2 - 2 Ahmad FC

78th min:
Amir is substituted as Ismael re-enters the field. Flyboys can smell blood and are looking for the winner. Even Hendra, the left-back is drifting up as an auxiliary striker.

82nd min:
Aziri has the ball in the midfield and releases a sublime trick pass used commonly by that Red Devil Ronaldo. Pass of the season i tell you. It's so good even the opposition are applauding it. Ok that's an exaggeration but it was an exquisite pass. We will now call that the Jiri pass. Tommorow we go to court and have it patented and trademarked.
Riduan receives the pass but is unable to go towards goal.

85nd min:
Kenny the King runs with the ball into the penalty box. The defender tackles him but gets his feet instead and chops him down like a tree. PENALTY!!!!!!!!! No, says the ref.
Referee are you blind?!? The defender never touched the ball. Flyboys are fuming. The match must be fixed.

Sofian resisting the ref decision

88th min:
Ahmad FC's striker is running towards goal and is brought down just outside the penalty box by Sofian. A very dangerous free-kick here from Ahmad FC. But thank goodness, Becks has left Real for Milan because that wasn't going anywhere near goal.
That means it's sunset which means the match is over. It's a draw.
A game of 2 halves. Flyboys could've snatched a win if it wasn't for Ahmad FC's keeper.
Next match, Capt Effendy will be playing in goal cos he's sooooo good !!! ;p

Well done to all who participated and see you on Wednesday 27th against our RBA Engineering. We've proved that we can stare adversity in the face and say up yours buddy. What an awesome 2nd half. Now all we have to do is play awesome in both halves.

Majulah Sukan, Go Flyboys, If you're not first, you're last! Apakan.

- Amir, unbiased writer/striker/treasurer/father/golfer/United supporter.

ps. See you in Rome!

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